BOOMBOX Tecsonic mx-900E Getto Blaster, Turns on

The radio works and will change channels. I don't know about Cassette side "A" as the pause button is stuck. Cassette side "B" turns but will eat every tape I tried. This is a very loud player. The battery compartment is free of acid damage. Batteries were not stored in the machine, no acid has leaked from the batteries. Both radio antennas are present. One antenna has a orange tip and the other does not. It is currently set to 110 volts but has a switch to 220 volts if desired. Look carefully at the photos for the condition of the unit. If you have any questions, get them answered before you buy. No returns. This is a very heavy device and will need to have insurance on it. Shipping is high, be sure you take note of it before buying.
