Faux Leather Sofa Bed Convertible Futon Sofa with 2 Throw Pillows Cup Holders

【Sturdy Construction, Solid Materials】Founded atop metal legs in chrome finish, this convertible sofa bed features an engineered wood frame, foam fill, and soft faux leather upholstery that’s easy to clean. Maximum weight capacity up to 772 lb. 【Convertible With 3 Back Positions】This 3-seater futon couch features a click-clack folding contraption to lock the backrest at 105° for comfy sitting, or 140° for lounging, or even lay the back down flat to create a 62.5″ W × 37″ D platform bed for two adults. 【Foldable Centre Drink Holders】In the central part of the sofa back, a drop-down platform with two cup holders keeps your snacks and drinks within arm’s reach. You can always flip it up to create a flat surface for sitting or napping.
