Bonhoeffer Press Love As Jesus Loved: Transformed Relationships

The love that flows from your life is a reflection of your Christlike character. But what does that look like? By cultivating trust in your relationships, practicing the character of humility, and submitting yourself to God, you can learn to love as Jesus loved. Experience the Life, a thirty-week life-changing series for individuals and groups, is composed of five books, each six weeks long. You’ll learn how to read Scripture, think about what you read, pray over it, and live it out. Through studying God's Word, gathering with others, and learning to pray and journal, you’ll experience true spiritual transformation and become like Christ, as you prepare to lead others along the same journey. Book 1: Believe as Jesus Believed—Transformed Mind Book 2: Live as Jesus Lived—Transformed Character Book 3: Love as Jesus Loved—Transformed Relationships Book 4: Minister as Jesus Ministered—Transformed Service Book 5: Lead as Jesus Led—Transformed Influence The leader's guide contains a complete participant’s guide plus discussion questions for each gathering. An online video is available for use in introducing each session with the code provided.